TeachFX for Metro Nashville educators...

With TeachFX, teachers throughout Metro Nashville Public Schools are fostering more meaningful, equitable conversations in their classrooms.

Teachers use TeachFX to record audio of any lesson and our AI provides instructional feedback in minutes.

Missed the TeachFX info session for MNPS educators?

Watch the replay

Hear educators at Glencliff High School and Stratford STEM Magnet School talk about how TeachFX is working for their teachers and students.

Explore your own TeachFX partnership

Book time with Becky Poskin.

Press record. Get your report.

Teachers' use of questioning

Unlock AI-powered insights into what gets students talking.

Use of standard-aligned academic vocabulary
The amount of student talk and teacher talk

TeachFX is professional development...
superpowered by technology

TeachFX instructional coaching app and data-informed PD

With TeachFX, teachers...

✅ use our app to gather their own insights into what's happening in their classrooms (in minutes!)

✅ participate in inquiry-based professional development workshops

✅ bring new teaching practices back to their own classrooms

✅ use the TeachFX app to see what's changed

How TeachFX partnerships work

TeachFX partners at the school and district-level to support teachers with AI-powered instructional coaching and inquiry-based professional development.

AI-powered insights with TeachFX

Teachers gather and reflect on evidence of teaching practices that strengthen student engagement in classroom dialogue

AI-Powered Insights

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Inquiry-based pd with TeachFX

Personalized workshops to build instructional capacity and strengthen reflective teacher practice

Inquiry-Based PD

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See community data with TeachFX's Discourse Dashboard

Discourse Dashboard

Celebrate schoolwide progress and make data-informed decisions in supporting teaching practice

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