How does TeachFX’s Zoom integration work?
TeachFX is easy to implement and works with the online teaching tools you’re already using, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. TeachFX analyzes online classes using our voice artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to track equity of voice automatically. To protect student and teacher privacy, classroom data is analyzed anonymously and aggregated for all students in a cohort. Raw data cannot be accessed by anyone, and can never be used as part of teacher evaluations.
Is TeachFX backed by research?
We know from five decades of research that learning is strongest when students are the ones talking in classrooms. The lack of equitable opportunities to speak in the classroom creates inequitable learning outcomes — as Rachel Lotan puts it in Teaching Teachers to Build Equitable Classrooms: “Because those who participate more learn more, the gap in levels of participation contributes to the widening of the learning gap.”
We use the another platform for virtual synchronous instruction. Are we still eligible to apply?
TeachFX is currently live with Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and we currently have integrations with other platforms in beta. If you’re using a platform other than Zoom or Teams, go ahead and contact us about a partnership, note which platform you’re using, and we’ll be in touch with an estimated launch timeline.
How does TeachFX identify which subgroups students belong to?
We don’t — you do! We’ll work with your team to understand which subgroups you’d like equity data about. You’ll then provide us with an SIS export file identifying which subgroups particular students belong to, and we’ll link those identifiers to students’ Zoom or Teams IDs.
Does TeachFX need to integrate with our SIS or other data systems?
No. The only technical integration we require is with the platform you’re using for virtual synchronous instruction (for example, Zoom or Teams). At the end of the data collection period, we’ll provide you with a detailed report on the anonymized data analysis.
Do teachers or staff need to be trained on how to use TeachFX?
No. TeachFX is a back-end technical integration only. Once you’ve completed the technical integration, it collects equity of voice data automatically. No training is required for school or district personnel.
What’s the time commitment?
We know you’re busy! We aim to ensure that you’re only spending time on important equity-focused work as part of this partnership. Here’s what we need from you:
Leaders’ time and attention on the important things: what does equity look like in your school/district? What are you hoping to learn from the data? What metrics could we provide you that could meaningfully affect your plans for addressing equity issues?
A 20 minute setup call with your IT team
Student data exports from your SIS and video conferencing platform (we’ll do all the data cleaning)
We do not need:
Any time from any teachers, students, or other staff
Any additional time from your IT team
Wait, am I even allowed to record my class? Is that legal?
Yes! TeachFX is fully FERPA and COPPA compliant. FERPA allows educators to record classes in order to improve instruction without requiring special permissions. Making class recordings is, as you probably have seen, a very common professional learning practice throughout K-12 education in the US. In fact, more than 75% of US schools regularly record video on site.
Similarly, COPPA allows schools to collect students’ personal information without requiring additional permissions, as long as the information is used for educational purposes. The Federal Trade Commission, which enforces COPPA, has issued explicit guidance to facilitate the use of education technology like TeachFX in online classrooms.
In certain cases, states or school boards may have other rules in place related to audio recordings in the classroom. Districts should be familiar with any local requirements that could impact their ability to use TeachFX.
Educators are not required to ask permission from students, teachers, or parents, unless specific local rules in your area require it. (These are rare.) That said, we strongly encourage loud and proud communication about TeachFX, why you’re using it, and why it’s important to the district. To that end, we are happy to provide you with materials you can share with teachers, parents, and students to teach them about TeachFX.