Meet the app that helps teachers get their students talking

Our app uses AI to help teachers do what only teachers can do.





See a snapshot of your student talk

See an at-a-glance summary of your lesson.

Know how much talk time was distributed student talk, group talk, or teacher talk.

And see how many questions you asked to get students talking.

Reflect on key moments of classroom conversations

Remember that moment when you asked a question and your students really got into the conversation?

Or when you inspired a student to share their reasoning out loud?

Listen back to those moments, celebrate them, and reflect on what they reveal for you.

Examine deeper insights into the teaching and learning in your classroom.

Gather instructional feedback using your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Record audio of any lesson with the touch of a button

Reflect on insights created by our AI just for you

Celebrate moments of student engagement you helped facilitate

Learn how you can foster even more student talk

Teachers 💙 TeachFX

Simple, convenient, powerful insights into your classroom...whenever you want them.