Investing in Your Teachers’ Professional Development

Finding funding to support your teachers with excellent professional development is always possible. Here are the most common sources of funding that instructional leaders use for TeachFX.

Utilize Title I funds to support your teachers’ professional development

Title I schools like Atlanta’s Continental Colony have used Title I funds to support their teachers with TeachFX.

Title I schools can purchase tech to help improve educational outcomes for Title I eligible students.

Whether your school is designated as Title I, or a portion of students within your school are Title I-eligible, these funds can be utilized in providing teachers with TeachFX to support their professional development, enhancing their ability to improve students’s learning outcomes.

✅ Title I schools like Atlanta’s Continental Colony have used Title I funds to support their teachers with TeachFX.

Maximize professional development opportunities with Title II funds

TeachFX meets Title II requirements

Title II funds can be used for professional development that’s classroom focused, evidence based, data driven, intended to be collaborative, and job embedded.

You can pay for technology support for teachers when it meets one or more of the Title II criteria.

✅ TeachFX actually checks all of these boxes!

Use Title III funds to support plurilingual learners

Use Title III funds to support plurilingual learners with TeachFX

Title III pays for coaching and professional development specifically targeted toward EL teachers.

And plurilingual learners often benefit the most from engaging in classroom dialogue, making TeachFX an important piece of the puzzle.

Check with your district’s academic services division to see if your district has a grant you can utilize. Or, we can help write one!

✅ School districts like Anaheim UHSD partner with TeachFX to help support teaching practices that engage plurilingual learners.

Access special grant opportunities

TeachFX is a preferred partner for Utah’s STEM Acton Center and could be a great fit for your state’s program.

Local and state organizations have mobilized to create new funding opportunities to help support teachers and students.

From Utah’s STEM Action Center grant program to the Texas Education Agency’s instructional materials and technology allotments (IMTA), state-level grant programs are expanding.

✅ TeachFX is a preferred partner for Utah’s STEM Acton Center and could be a great fit for your state’s program.

K-12 Educators 💙 TeachFX

  • "As a teacher, I became more mindful of student engagement through participation. TeachFX gave me an opportunity to reflect on how much time I spent talking."

    Christine Horn | Teacher | An Achievable Dream Academy

  • "TeachFX has allowed teachers I coach to see their classroom habits 'with their own eyes'. Because the app depersonalizes the data, it's no longer me saying what I am seeing in the classroom when I observe - it is the teacher observing themself."

    Esther Prokopienko | Instructional Coach | Downtown Charter Academy

  • "I am more mindful of how I teach. I am more aware of student wait time and how much of the thinking I do, versus how much of the thinking my students get to do."

    Rebecca Garity | Teacher | Cedar Valley HS

  • "I really enjoy using TeachFX to inform my instruction! I like being able to access the language students use during class to see if they are gaining the understanding I want them to."

    Jana Evans | Teacher | Eagle Bay Elementary

  • "TeachFX has empowered my first grade students to take chances and have better collaborative conversations. It has also led me to be more reflective in my practice as a literacy teacher."

    Mandi Macias | Teacher | Jewell ES

K-12 educators are getting students talking with TeachFX

With TeachFX, teachers improve use of uptake 24%
In one school year, teachers using TeachFX increased their student talk by an average of 40%.
Reflecting on TeachFX feedback for just 5min helps change teaching practice

The more teachers use TeachFX, the more student talk increases

The more teachers use TeachFX, the more student talk increases

Teachers who use TeachFX just twice in the school year see remarkable increases in their student talk. And the more times teachers use the app, the more they see productive student talk in their classrooms increase.

Ready to bring TeachFX to your educators?