Leadership development for educators


Equipping school leaders to drive meaningful, measurable change

Led by Professor David Brazer, co-creator of the Stanford Graduate School of Education’s EdLEADers program, our communities of practice, instructional leadership and strategic planning programs connect research to practice, giving leaders the tools they need to change teacher practice and drive more equitable student learning.


Communities of practice: A space for reflection, analysis and growth

In our communities of practice, community members define the agenda, and we provide practical, evidence-based resources and guidance to enable them to address specific obstacles and strengthen teacher practice. It’s like going to class without having to do the homework.

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Action research for strategic planning

We offer practical, tangible tools for school improvement initiatives, taking into account the challenges of in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning environments.

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Leadership development: Transforming the educational experience

Educators who focus on leadership development have the largest effects on student achievement. This program gives participants the research-based tools they need to drive instructional change and improve the educational experience for all students.

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Create more engaging, equitable, and challenging classrooms through TeachFX leadership development programs