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New TeachFX App Updates: Helping Teachers Unlock Student Brilliance

TeachFX is on a mission to help teachers create more meaningful, equitable conversation in every classroom.

And our instructional coaching app is now even better at helping teachers gather feedback to help them unlock every student's brilliance.

Teachers are so short on time. They valued their TeachFX insights, and wanted a super quick way to see data from their lesson.

Now, even if you only have a few minutes, your lesson snapshot, moments, and insights can help you see and celebrate the amazing things happening in your classroom.

See these new updates:

  • Give you a quick glance at your lesson with Lesson Snapshot.

  • Spotlight inspiring Moments of student brilliance from your lesson.

  • Reflect on Insights into your lesson, student talk, and classroom conversation.

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Your lesson snapshot gives you at-a-glance insights. So it’s now the first thing you’ll see in your TeachFX Report.

See your student and group talk time, the number of questions you asked, and how many of those questions were open-ended.

And a summary of your lesson subject is automatically created for you, along with a customized image. So even if you don’t always remember what the lesson was about, especially as you continue to add to your TeachFX reports, your summary will jog your memory!

The summary feature will jog your memory of what transpired during class, allowing you to spend more time reflecting on the conversations that occurred and less time simply trying to remember the details

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What were your favorite moments from this lesson?

Moments will help you see and celebrate them, throughout the year.

TeachFX now highlights a few key moments from your lesson.

They’re moments when you asked a question and your students brought their voice to the classroom conversation, moments when you said something that spurred students' learning, moments when your students used their voice to share their reasoning, or moments when students demonstrate their grasp of academic language.

Listen back to each moment and reflect on what you hear. We included some reflective questions to help you get started.

Look at the visual timeline of the moment and reflect on what you see. What does the timeline show you about the conversation? How does it matched your intention for the lesson?

We hope that your TeachFX moments showcase the teaching and learning you want to see, and to feel encouraged and inspired to create more of those moments in the classroom.

With a whole new view of the ways you’re bringing your students’ voices into the classroom, you’ll develop new perspectives on your use of important practices like open-ended questions, wait time, and more.

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Curious about specific instructional practices? Dive deep into a range of insights with our library of TeachFX Insights.

Student voice and teacher voice insights reveal longest stretches of student or teacher talk time and important practices like building on students’ contributions to the conversation.

Questioning and think time delve into vital practices for fostering meaningful, equitable dialogue in our classrooms. See how many times you asked questions or provided think time to get students talking, listen back to the conversation, and keep growing your practice.

Word clouds help you see how you and your students used academic vocabulary during the lesson, so you can see how academic language is modeled and then taken up by students.

Timeline & transcript provides your entire lesson, visualized as a timeline, to help you see when students were most (or least) engaged. Comparing your timeline to your lesson plan can be a valuable way to gain clarity about how your lesson plans can serve the student experience you'd like to create in your classroom.

Not using TeachFX yet? Try it for free…

You can give TeachFX a try in your own classroom, or take a look at sample Reports in the app to see what your teachers could be gathering for themselves.

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